We are informing you here about the cookies used in the website https://www.integra2.com, which is the property of the Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista, S.A. Sociedad Unipersonal, Sucursal em Portugal (hereinafter, “the Website”), and also about the reason for their use. The Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista, S.A. Sociedad Unipersonal, Sucursal em Portugal (hereinafter, “Logista”) also informs you that by accepting them, you are giving your consent to their use.


1. What are cookies?

A ‘cookie’ is a small file which is stored in a user’s computer, mobile telephone or tablet when certain websites, applications or platforms are consulted, and which enables the latter to recognize their users.

Currently, cookies are an indispensable part of the functioning of the internet, and bring countless advantages to the provision of interactive services, facilitating  browsing and improving ease of use.

Cookies help one to adapt websites, applications and platforms to one’s personal requirements.

Cookies cannot damage your equipment. On the contrary, when they are activated they can help to identify and correct errors, and to improve the quality of the user’s  browsing.

Among their other advantages, cookies enable users to store and recover information about the preferred kinds of browsing of each user or of their device.

This website, application or platform uses cookies and/or similar kinds of technology which store and recover information while you are browsing. This type of technology can be used for very diverse purposes, such as recognizing you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or personalising the form in which content is shown.

The specific uses to which we put this technology are described below.


2. Which cookies do we use?

The cookies used in the Website are our own and those of third parties, and enable us to store and gain access to information about the language, the type of browser used and other general characteristics pre-set by the user, and also to monitor and analyse the activity carried out, in order to introduce improvements and provide new services in a more efficient and personalised manner.

The Website uses the following cookies:

Owner of the cookies:

  • We use our own cookies, which we send to the user’s terminal equipment from a device or domain managed by ourselves, and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • We use third parties’ cookies (for example, those of Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.) which are used by external companies, social networks or external supplements to content (such as ‘Google Maps’). These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a device or domain of a third party that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

Use of cookies:

  • We use technical cookies, which are essential to enable users to gain access to the Website and to browse inside it.

It is these that enable users to browse through a website, platform or application and to choose from among the different options or services that are found there, including those which are used for the operation and management of the website  and to activate its functions and services, such as: controlling traffic and the communication of data, identifying the session, gaining access to areas with restricted access, remembering the component parts of an order, placing an order, managing payments, monitoring fraud connected with the security of the service, applying for enrolment for, or participation in, an event, counting visits in order to invoice for the software licences through which the service (website, platform of application) is operated, using security features during browsing, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, activating dynamic content (for example, the animation of a text or picture), or disseminating content through the social networks.

Also in this category, because of their technical nature, are the cookies which facilitate the management, in the most efficient manner possible, of advertising spaces which, as one more element in the design or “layout” of the service offered to the user, the editor may have included in a website, application or platform on the basis of criteria such as the edited content, without the compilation of information about the users for other purposes, such as the personalising of these advertisements or other content.

The inclusion of these cookies does not require the informed consent of the user.

  • We use analytical or measuring cookies which are those which, when handled by ourselves or by third parties, enable us to monitor and analyse the behaviour of users of the websites to which they are connected, and to measure the impacts of the advertisements.

The information collected by means of these types of cookie is used to measure the activity of websites, applications or platforms in order to incorporate improvements in the products or services offered in accordance with the analysis of the data about the use(s) to which its users put the service.

The inclusion of these cookies requires the informed consent of the user.

Conservation period of cookies:

Depending on the length of time for which they remain activated in the terminal equipment, we use the following cookies in the Website:

  • Session cookies: those designed to collect and store data while the user is connected to a website. They are normally used to store information which is only kept for the purpose of providing the service requested by the user on one single occasion (for example, to provide a list of products acquired). They disappear at the end of the session.
  • Persistent cookies: those in which data remain stored in the terminal and can be consulted and processed during a period fixed by the person responsible for the cookie, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.


3. How can our users manage the cookies which we use?

You can manage our cookies yourself, so you can reject them individually or in their entirety, in the Settings Panel.

If cookies are deactivated or rejected, some of the functions and/or services may not function properly.

The Website has no control over websites which appear in response to a search, to links or to any access from our directory. These other websites can insert their own cookies or ask you for personal information.


4. How can our users disable cookies in the main browsers?

It is usually possible to stop accepting the browser’s cookies, or those of a particular service.

All modern browsers allow the setting for cookies to be changed.

These means of adjustment are normally found in the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ section of your browser’s menu.

Although they can vary slightly from one type of browser to another, the settings of the policies on cookies for the most commonly used browsers are the following:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Configuration
  • Firefox: Preferences -> Privacy and Security
  • Chrome: Preferences -> Configuration -> Show advanced options -> Privacy and Security
  • Safari: Preferences -> Privacy
  • Opera: Configuration -> Privacy and Security.

You can obtain more information from the ‘Support’ or ‘Help’ of your browser, or from the following links: Safari, Chrome, FirefoxExplorerOpera.

Most browsers allow one to activate a private mode by means of which cookies are always deleted after your visit. The name of this private mode depends on which browser is used. Below is a list of the most common browsers and the different names of this “private mode”:

  • Internet Explorer 8 and later versions – ‘Private Browsing’
  • Safari 2 and later versions – ‘Private Browsing’
  • Opera 10.5 and later versions – ‘Private Browsing’
  • Firefox 3.5 and later versions – ‘Private Browsing’
  • Google Chrome 10 and later versions – ‘Incognito’


5. How can I disable third parties’ cookies?

If you would like to know about third parties’ policies on privacy and the use of cookies, you may consult the cookies policy of:

  • Google: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies


6. Are my data transferred internationally?

Under Articles 44 et seq. of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), transfers based on a decision of appropriateness of the European Commission, or on the existence of adequate guarantees in the form of an instrument that is legally binding and enforceable among public authorities and bodies, or on binding corporate regulations, or on standard clauses adopted and approved by the Commission, or on codes of conduct or certification mechanisms, will be legitimate. Otherwise, the authorisation of the competent Control Authority will be required, or, failing that, the consent of the interested party, or another of the scenarios set forth in Article 49 of the GDPR.

We assure you that none of your data are transferred internationally through this Website.

With regard to third parties’ cookies, you may obtain information about transfers to third countries which could be effected by the third parties identified in this cookies policy, under their own policies (see the links shown above).


7. Is a profile of my browsing constructed, and are automated decisions taken that could affect me legally or in any other significant way?

We assure you that we do not construct profiles of your browsing, nor are any automated decisions taken that could affect you legally or in any other significant way.


8. Are my sensitive data processed?

We assure you that we do not process sensitive information.


9.  More information

We may occasionally update the cookies policy in our Website. We therefore advise you to review the policy each time you consult our Website so that you are correctly informed about how and why we use cookies.

You may obtain more information about the cookies in our Website at the following  e-mail address: info.lopd.pt@logista.pt.

For more information about the processing of your personal data, you may consult our Policy on Privacy.